Friday, February 28, 2014

Amanda Han and Matt MacFarland of Keystone CPA Join Bruce Norris on the Real Estate Radio Show #371

Bruce Norris is joined this week by Matt MacFarland and Amanda Han.  They are owners of Keystone CPA in Orange County, voted one of the top 100 CPA firms.  Bruce has had the privilege of speaking with them in front of at least 4 or 5 audiences.  Bruce has always learned something from them since they have an expertise in real estate.  They have been in their own business now for seven years.  Bruce was pleased to speak with them since they saved him money and he has learned something every time he has heard them. Bruce, Amanda, and Matt discuss tax strategies, retirement accounts set up before the end of the year, 401ks and other benefit plans, IRS audits and the increase in audits, the open period between your return and audit, penalties for federal and California filings, changes to tax laws in 2013, the statutory rate in California, and much, much more on this week's real estate radio show and podcast.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Rick Sharga, Vice President of Joins Bruce Norris on the Real Estate Radio Show #370

Bruce Norris welcomes back Rick Sharga.  Rick is Executive Vice President for  He is their chief spokesman on topics related to the U.S housing market, mortgage market, commercial real estate, and international real estate. Bruce and Rick discuss where we are in the real estate market, investors being the main driver for changes in the housing market, the potential tightening of credit in the future, the first-time homebuyer segment, the B2R program, unemployment numbers being a mirage, immigration, the safest loans being created by the GSEs, and much, much more on this week's real estate radio show and podcast.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Rick Sharga, Vice President of Joins Bruce Norris on the Real Estate Radio Show #369

Bruce Norris is joined this week by Rick Sharga. Rick is Executive Vice President for He is their chief spokesman on topics related to the U.S housing market, mortgage market, commercial real estate, and international real estate. Bruce and Rick discuss his new company, trustee sales and auctions, the percentage of the residential real estate market that has been for sale by owner, seller bids, foreclosure levels and the number of people still in default, due diligence with commercial properties, the preferred agent network on, the buyer premium on the final bid, and much more on this week's real estate radio show and podcast.

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Friday, February 7, 2014

John Mauldin of Millenium Wave Investments Joins Bruce Norris on the Real Estate Radio Show #368

Bruce Norris is joined this week by John Mauldin. John is one of Bruce’s favorite authors and the chairman of Mauldin Economics, an economic and investment strategy research firm. He is also the president of Millennium Wave Investments. John is a renowned financial expert and New York Times best-selling author. He is a pioneering online commentator and publisher of “Thoughts from the Frontline.” This was one of the first publications to provide investors with free unbiased information and guidance as well as one of the most widely-read investor newsletters in the world. Each week 1 million readers turn to John Mauldin to gain a better understanding of Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. Bruce and John discuss the policies that were in place during the financial crisis, future consumption and borrowing, U.S. debt, LIBOR, quantitative easing, unintended consequences of the two-edged sword of low interest rates and low financing, high-yield bonds, and much more on this week's real estate radio show and podcast.

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